Sample1: # find all the files in /home with name test.txt. Here –name is used to specify the filename.
# find /home –name test.txt
Sample2: # find the files whose name is test.txt and in present working directory
# find . –name test.txt
Sample3: # find all the files whose name contains both capital letters and small letters in it.
# find /home –iname test.txt
Sample4: Search for only directories whose name is var in / directory
# find / -type d –name var
Sample5: Search for an mp3 files whose name is temp.mp3
# find / -type f –name temp.mp3
Sample6:Search for a file name test.txt and its permissions are 775 in a given box
# find / -perm 775 –name test.txt
Sample7: How about searcing files with SUID bit set and file permissions are 755?
# find / -perm 4755
Sample8:How can i # find SGID bit set files with 644 permissions?
# find / -perm 2644
Sample9: How can i # find Sticky bit set files in my system with permissions 551?
# find / -perm 1551
Sample10:Search for all the files whose SUID bit is set
# find / -perm /u=s
Sample11: Search for all the files whose SGID bit is set
# find / -perm /g+s
Sample12: Search for all the files whose StickyBit is set
# find / -perm /o=t
Sample13: Search for all the files whose owener permissions is read only.
# find / -perm /u=r
Sample14:Search for all the files which have user, group and others with executable permissions
# find / -perm /a=x
Sample15: Search for all the files with name test.txt and the owner of this file is user
# find / -user user –name test.txt
Sample16: # find all the files whos name is test.txt and owned by a group called redcluster
# find / -group redcluster –name test.txt
Sample17: Search for a file: test.txt whose file status is changed more than 90 days back
# find / -ctime +90 –name test.txt
Sample18: Search for all the files which are modified exactly 90 days back
# find / -mtime 90
Sample19: Search for all the files with name test.txt which is accessed less than 90 days
# find / -atime -90
Sample20: # find all the files which are modified more than 90 days back and less than 180 days
# find / -mtime +90 –mtime -180
Sample21: # find all the files changed less than 30mins
# find / -cmin -30
Sample22: # find all the files modified exactly 30 mins back
# find / -mmin 30
Sample23: # find all the files accessed more than 30 mins back
# find / -amin +30
Sample24: # find all the files which are modified more than 5mins back and less than 25mins
# find / -mmin +5 –mmin -25
Sample25: I have new file called test.txt which is just created, now I want to get all the files which are created later this file creation.
# find / -newer test.txt
Sample26: Search for files whose size is more than 10bytes
# find / -size +10c
Sample27: Search for files which are exactly 10kb in /opt folder
# find /opt –size 10k
Sample28: Search for files which are less than 10MB in /var folder
# find /var –size -10M
Sample29: Search for files which are more than 1GB size in /usr folder
# find /usr –size +1G
Sample30: # find all the empty files in my system
# find / -size 0k
Sample31:# find all the files which are with more than size 100MB and less than 1GB and the owner of the file is xyz and the file name is Adda.txt in /red folder
# find /red –size +100M –size -1G –user xyz –iname adda.txt
Sample32:# find all the files with SGID for the group sales and with size exactly 100MB with file name as pass.txt under /opt
# find /opt –size 100M –group sales –perm g+s –name pass.txt
Sample33: # find all the files which are more than 100MB and less than 1GB in size.
# find / -size +100M –size -1G
# find / -size +100M -a -size -1G
Sample34:# find a file with passwd.txt in /var folder and long list this file for checking file properties.
# find /var –iname passwd.txt –exec ls –l {} \;
Sample35: # find all the files with name test.txt in /mnt and change the ownership of the files from user to Narendra
# find /mnt –user user –name test.txt –exec chown narendra: {} \;
-exec command {} \; –for executing a command on # find files -inum -For # finding a file with inode number
Sample36:# find all the files with name in /abc folder and then grep if for word is there in that file or not
# find /abc –name –exec grep ‘for’ {} \;
chmod, grep, ls, rm, mv, cp,md5sum
Sample37: # find all the files with name xyz.txt owned by user in /var/ftp/pub and change the permissions to 775 to them.
# find /var/ftp –user user –name xyz.txt –exec chmod 775 {} \;
Sample 38:# find all the files with name temp.txt in /xyz folder and backup then compress them to send it for saving
# find /xyz –name xyz.txt –exec tar xvfz temp.tar.gz {} \;
Sample39:# find files with name abc.txt in /home directory and take backup of each file before modifying it.
# find /home –name abc.txt –exec cp {} {}.bkf \;
This above command will create files with .bkf extension whenever it # finds abc.txt file.
Sample40:# find files which are more than 1GB and not accessed for the past 6 months and delete them.
# find / -size +1G -mtime +180 –exec rm –rf {} \;
Sample41:# find all the files with executable permissions and display their checksum value
# find / -perm /a=x -exec md5sum {} \;
Sample42:# find all the files with name abc.txt and owner as user then move them to /opt folder
# find / -user user -name abc.txt -exec mv {} /opt/ \;
Sample43:# find files with abc.txt name in /opt directory change the owner permissions from user to Narendra and change the permissions to 775
# find /opt –user user –name abc.txt –exec chown Narendra: {} \; -exec chmod 775 {} \;
Sample44: # find all the commands which ends with .sh file extension in /opt folder
# find /opt –name *.sh
# find /opt –name \*.sh
# find /opt –name “*.sh”
Note: These two will work, because you negated your shell parsing * wild character.
Sample46:Search for all the files which start with abc and ends with different extension in /opt folder
# find /opt –name abc.\*
Sample47:Search for files which start with red and ends with many names such as redhat, redtop, redsoap etc.
# find / -name red\*
Sample 48:How about search for files which always end with dump.
# find / -name \*dump
Sample49: # find abc.txt file in /opt and /var folder at a time
# find /opt /var –name abc.txt
The above command will search in only two locations i.e. in /opt and /var Search multiple locations but not in particular location. Sample50:Search in entire system expect /proc folder
# find / -path /proc -prune -name cpuinfo
The -path variable to define the path of a location. And -prune combined with -path will say not to descend in to the mention path /proc
Sample51:Search for abc.txt in /opt and /var expect in /var/tmp folder
# find /opt /var -path /var/tmp -prune -name abc.txt
Sample52:I want to search for abc.txt and hash.c file at a time. This can be achieved by using -o operator
# find / -name abc.txt -o -name hash.c
Here when ever # find command sees -o it just or the options on its left and right hand side.
Sample53:How about i want to # find two directories say opt and var how can i # find them?
# find / -type d \( -name opt -o -name var \)
Sample54: Negation operator is useful for negating a search team. for Sample we want to # find all the files with name abc.txt which don’t have 755 permissions
# find . -type f ! -perm 755 -name abc.txt
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