Perform command at time

Uses of "at" command to do job at specific time:
01. For example,  your office declared the internet connection will be off after 8 pm, but you've to leave office now. don't worry ! just issue the following command and get out of your office. If you use squid type the following command:

# at 20:00
at> service squid start
(Press CTRL+D to save)

If you use your linux box as router:
# at 20:00
at> echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

02. When I take exam in my class, the questions and answer sheet is available in my webserver. If the exam starts from 10.00 am and ends at 11.00 am.
# at 10:00
 1 / 5Perform a command at specific time
at> service httpd start

# at 11:00
at> service httpd stop

03. When the last date of submission a project through ftp is 06:00 pm, 11th June, 2011
# at 18:00 06/11/2011
at> service vsftpd stop
Two more "at" related utilities
atq : show the current pending jobs
 2 / 5Perform a command at specific time

atrm: remove any pending job
While "at" command is used for performing a command (or run a script) once at a specific time,"cron" is used to perform the job repeatably at a specific time. For example, If your office decided to keep your internet from 08.00 am to 6.00 pm everyday, you need to do the
01. Create two executable scripts which will be used to stop squid and start squid
# vi /usr/sbin/stopsquid
#! /bin/bash
service squid stop
# chmod 755 /usr/sbin/stopsquid
 3 / 5Perform a command at specific time

# vi /usr/sbin/startsquid
#! /bin/bash
service squid start
# chmod 755 /usr/sbin/startsquid
02. run the corn at 08 hours and 18 hours

# crontab -e

00 18 * * * /usr/sbin/stopsquid
00 08 * * * /usr/sbin/startsquid

# service crond restart
 4 / 5Perform a command at specific time

For more information about corn: manpage of crontab, crond

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